{{description>Create meshes from GameObjects & their children for easy usage without direct mesh asset access. Input GameObjects, output V Meshes.}} ====== GameObject To Mesh ====== Creates [[..:datatypes#Vmesh|meshes]] from the meshes of [[..:datatypes#gameobject|GameObjects]]. This is useful when you want to use the mesh of a GameObject (and potentially its children) without having access to the mesh asset ===== Slots ===== === Input === * GameObjects[] - The [[..:datatypes#gameobject|GameObjects]] from which the meshes should be extracted === Output === * V Mesh - The resulting [[..:datatypes#Vmesh|meshes]] ===== Reference ===== ===Use Children Meshes=== Whether to include or not the meshes from the input Game Objects' children. ===Center Mesh=== Forces the output mesh to be centered.