{{description>Discover Curvy Splines, the top Unity spline tool for creating stunning visuals! Rasterize paths with adjustable settings for smooth, optimized output.}} ====== Rasterized Path ====== [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasterisation|Rasterizes]] a [[..:datatypes#Path]], i.e. samples the spline to get a finite set of lines, based on the provided rasterization parameters. This is particularly useful if you want to use a [[:documentation:controllers:start#Path Controller]] on a path without having rasterization done by a [[.:shapeextrusion]]! ===== Slots ===== === Input === * Path === Output === * Path - rasterized Path ===== Reference ===== == Range == Defines the portion of the [[#Path]] to extrude. For closed paths //From// will repeat endless, while it's clamped for open paths. == Resolution == Defines how smooth the extrusion will get. Higher values result in more segments being created. == Optimize == If enabled, the extrusion will segmented by Path's curvation instead of using a fixed distance. In this case //Resolution// is used to define the curvation delta at which new segments are created.