{{description>Generate 3D meshes with Curvy Splines' Volume Mesh module! Customize materials, UV settings, & optimize Unity performance with chunk splitting.}} ====== Volume Mesh ====== This module generates a [[..:datatypes#VMesh]] from a [[..:datatypes#Volume]]. ===== Slots ===== === Input === * Volume === Output === * VMesh[] - array of resulting VMeshes ===== Reference===== ==== General==== ==Reverse Tri Order== Enable to flip normals of the resulting VMeshes. == Add Material== Click to add an additional material mapping. ==Generate UV== Whether to calculate UV values ==Unscale U== //Only if Generate UV is true// When set to true, and if the input Shape Extrusion module is set to apply scaling, the U coordinate of the generated mesh will be modified to compensate that scaling. Only the X component of the scaling is taken into consideration. The unscaling works best on volumes with flat shapes. ==Unscaling Origin== //Only if Unscale U is true// When unscaling the U coordinate, this field defines what is the scaling origin. 0.5 gives usually the best results, but you might need to set it to a different value, usually between 0 and 1 ==Generate UV2== Whether to calculate UV2 values ==Split== If enabled, the volume is split into chunks. ==Split Length== //Only if Split is true// Defines the length in world units after which a new chunk is being created. This is useful for faster lightmap calculation and Unity optimizations like Culling ====Materials==== Materials defined here are mapped to Material ID's stored in the [[..:datatypes#Volume]] (see [[shapeextrusion]] and [[..:..:splines:curvysplinesegment#Generator Options]]). One material is mandatory, additional materials are optional. == Material ID== The Material ID to which the following parameters map == Swap UV== Whether to swap U and V ==Keep Aspect== Options to keep texel size proportional * **Off**: No Aspect correction is applied * **Scale U**: U is scaled to keep texel size proportional * **Scale V**: V is scaled to keep texel size proportional ==UV Offset== Offsets UV, like default Unity material settings ==UV Scale== Scales UV, like default Unity material settings ==Material== The Unity material to use ==Remove== Click to remove this material mapping