{{description>Discover the ultimate Unity spline package - Curvy Splines! Rated 5-stars since 2013, it offers spline movement, mesh generation, mesh deformation, and more.}} ~~Title:The Best Unity Spline Package~~ ~~NOTOC~~ ======Curvy Splines====== A powerful and versatile Unity spline package. \\ 5-star rated since 2013.

=====Features===== Curvy Splines opens up a world of possibilities, both within the Unity editor and at runtime. ====Spline movement==== Move objects along dynamic paths - cameras, trains, even flying dragons. Our controllers support physics, events, and junctions. ====Procedural mesh generation==== Roads, railways, cables, and more take shape with minimal effort. ====Mesh deformation==== From fences to barbed wires, adapt any mesh to match your level design. ====Object placement==== Populate your scene with an array of elements like poles, rocks, or asteroids. ====Tool building==== Our robust and documented [[https://api.curvyeditor.com|API]] enables you to build your own tools. A race track editor? A wall builder? A pipe builder? What will you create? ====And more==== For an in-depth exploration of Curvy Splines' capabilities, head to the [[features]], [[documentation:start]], [[https://api.curvyeditor.com|API Reference]] or [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLatR0iPtXq-x8gDP9tNaxC5Pp32DEL6fS|Tutorials]]. ====Compatibility with Unity's Splines package==== Migrate your work from Unity's Splines, or use both solutions simultaneously, thanks to the free asset, [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/converter-for-unity-splines-282493|Converter For Unity Splines]]. =====Pro-level Quality===== We pride ourselves on the superior quality of Curvy Splines and our outstanding customer support, often [[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/curvy-splines-8-212532#reviews|praised in reviews]]. \\ Whether you are an indie game developer or part of a large studio, Curvy Splines delivers. \\ \\
[[https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/212532?aid=1101l3N9P|Available now on the Unity Asset Store!]]