A Curvy Generator module usually gets input data from one or more input slots and, after processing, writes data to one or more output slots.
Data Types do inherit. For example, if a slot wants a Shape, you can plug in a Path as well because Path is subclassed from shape.
Rich datatype classes
Most datatype classes offer a variety of constructors and helper methods to manipulate or use it's data. E.g. a Volume offers methods to calculate points on it's surface.
Datatype hierarchy
CGDATA is the base class for all data types!
- Name
- Timestamp
Represents a polygon line, e.g. a rasterized spline shape. Shapes in this context need to be strictly 2D on the X/Y plane!
- Position
- Normal
- Material settings for groups of line segments
Inherits from Shape
Represents a full polygon line:
- Position (from Shape)
- Normal (from Shape
- Material settings for groups of line segments (from Shape)
- Direction/Tangents
Represents a extruded volume:
Encapsulates a bounding box. Bounds are usually taken from Mesh or GameObject input modules and can be used to properly place the source objects or other calculations.
- Bounds
Represents a GameObject/Prefab
- Object
Represents mesh data:
- Vertex
- UV,UV2
- Normals
- Tangents
- List of VSubmeshes
Represents a submesh:
- Triangles
- Material
A collection of spots. Spots are used to place objects (like meshes or Game Objects). A spot is defined by:
- Spacial coordinates
- Position
- Rotation
- Scale
- The index of the object to place