
A connection is a relationship between two or more Control Points. That relationship can be used for a variety of effects: having junctions for your railway game, synchronizing the position and/or rotation of Control Points, defining teleport points between two curves etc…

Select the Control Points you want to connect, and then click on the Connect button in the Toolbar. A Control Point can be part of only one connection, but a connection can have multiple Control Points.

Technically, connections are individual GameObjects with the CurvyConnection component attached. They are stored as children of the Curvy Global Manager GameObject and automatically managed using the Toolbar or corresponding API methods.

If a Control Point is part of a connection, the connection's inspector is shown inside the Control Point inspector for convenience

You can use a connection in different way: The most common one is to synchronize the position and/or orientation of connected Control Points. To do so, setup the parameters in the connection's inspector accordingly. More about that in the Reference section bellow. You can also make a Controller use connections by defining its Connections Handling. You can use the CurvyConnection class via the API to code your own connections related logic.

As you know, some spline types (e.g. Catmull-Rom and TCB) use more than the two directly adjacent Control Points to define the curve. If you connect the end of a spline to another spline, you might want to make the curve look “seamless” (like the other spline's CPs would be part of the first spline). To achieve this you can define at which connected Control Point the curve should “go on” calculation-wise. This is called a “Follow-Up”. Think of it as the natural extension of the ending spline.

For example: Take two Catmull-Rom splines and connect the last CP of the first spline with the first CP of the second spline and set both CPs to full sync. If you move the connection around you'll notice that the joined curve breaks. For each CP, define the other CP as the Follow-Up and you'll see the joined curve looks like a single curve, without a break. That's because the other spline's Control Points now becomes part of segment calculation.

Lists all Control Points belonging to a connection

Control Point

Shows the name of the Control Point. You can select the Control Point or remove it from the connection through the available buttons.

Sync Position

Defines whether the connection's position is applied to this Control Point

Sync Rotation

Defines whether the connection's rotation is applied to this Control Point

Synchronization Presets

Use the preset buttons to quickly set synchronization options on all the Control Points

List the connection's Control Points that are one of the ends of an open spline


The open spline which Follow-Up is being defining

Control Point

The end of the spline which is concerned by the Follow-Up


The connected Control Point acting as a Follow-Up

Heading Direction

Available only when a Follow-Up is defined

In which direction the Follow-Up should continue on. Available options are:

  • To spline's start - The Follow-Up segment continues towards its spline's start
  • Nowhere - head to spline's start
  • To spline's end - The Follow-Up segment continues towards its spline's end
  • Automatic - Automatically selects the best option, based on the position of the Follow-Up within its spline
Delete connection

Deletes the connnection GameObject