This is an old revision of the document!


The toolbar contains actions that are either global (are always shown) or contextual (shown only when a type of objects is selected, for example when selecting a spline).

You can define the button style (Icons, Text or both) as well as the button placement (Left,Right,Top,Bottom) in the Curvy Preferences
You can disable the global toolbar using the Show Global Toolbar option in the preferences

Curvy Options

Opens Curvy Options submenu

Preferences - opens Editor preferences

Online Manual - opens this documentation in your default browser

Curvy Website - opens Curvy's website in your default browser

Bug Report - lets you create a bug report

Info - Shows infos about the current version

View Setings

Lets you customize the splines' gizmo.


Opens the Create submenu

Shape - creates a new Curvy Spline and opens the shape wizard. The selected GameObject will become the parent of the new Spline

Spline Group - creates a Spline Group. All splines currently selected will be part of the new Spline Group!

Curvy Generator - creates a Curvy Generator

Draw Spline

Toggles Spline drawing mode.

When enabled,

  • press & hold down CTRL to enable/“arm” placement mode.
  • additionally hold down Shift to raycast into the scene and create new Control Points at collision points
  • use LMB to create a Control Point
  • use RMB to create a new spline and connect the it's first Control Point to the currently selected Control Point and immediately create another Control Point on the new spline. I.e. it's the same as splitting a Spline and connecting the end points.
  • Select a plane to restrict drawing to a certain plane

Import or export splines

Select Children

Selects all Control Points

Select Previous

Selects last Control Point

Select Next

Selects first Control Point

Set Pivot

Opens a wizard to set the spline's pivot. You then can set the pivot by selecting one of the presets or enter a percentage for each axis. The scene view shows a red spot to preview the new pivot point. Once satisfied, click Apply to apply the changes


Flips a spline's direction, i.e. the first ControlPoint is becoming the last


The scale of the spline's transform is applied to all Control Points, then resetted to (1,1,1)


Opens a wizard to apply Shapes

Opening the wizard will alter the existing spline immediately and permanently. There's no Undo for this operation


Opens the spline tools submenu

Select contained connections - Selects connections connecting only Control Points withing the selected spline(s)“

Spline to Mesh - quickly create a mesh from an open or closed spline

Synchronize from hierarchy - the spline rereads it's Control Points from the hierarchy. This is might be needed if you manually rearrange Control Points in the hierarchy.

Select Parent

Selects the spline

Select Children

Selects all Control Points

Select Previous

Selects previous Control Point

Select Next

Selects next Control Point

Select Next Connected

Toggle between connected Control Points. Is available only when selecting a connected Control Point.

Sync Handles Direction

Mirror Bezier Handles Direction

Sync Handles Length

Mirror Bezier Handles Size

Sync Handles of connected CP

Apply 'Sync Handles Length' and 'Sync Handles Direction' on connected Control Points as well


Shifts the Control Point toward the previous or next Control Point

Set First

Makes the current Control Point the first Control Point


Inserts a spline after a Control Point of another spline. Is available only when selecting a spline and a destination Control Point at the same time.


Splits the spline, creating a new spline starting with the selected Control Point.


Creates a connection between the selected Control Points.

Camera project

Projects Control Point(s) onto colliders using the Scene View camera looking direction


Opens the Control Point tools submenu. Is available only when selecting multiple Control Points.

Subdivide - Adds a Control Point between each pair of Control Points in the selected range

Simplify - Removes a Control Point in each pair of Control Points in the selected range

Equalize - Equalizes the length of each segment in the selected range

Edit current Generator